Saturday, October 31, 2009

B.J.'s Certificate of Citizenship!

Today BJ received his Certificate of Citizenship! We are so relieved as we started to think it would never show up! This certificate will be the proof we need to apply for different things such as passport, readoption in the U.S., etc. We already have his social security number so that is one less step we need to take. Although he was a citizen upon entry into the U.S., the only proof he had of his citizenship was his Polish passport with the U.S. visa stamp. Now he has documentation. It is so exciting to see these loose ends being taken care of.

On another note, poor B.J. has been sick for over a week with a runny nose that doesn't quite and a whole lot of congestion. On Thursday, he came down with a 103.5 fever. It terrified me as I have had several students out with "Influenza a" and fevers of 106! Yikes! We called the doctor right away, but there wasn't much she could do. She checked his ears and throat and they did a strep test, but it all came back negative. She said to keep the fever down and if he still has it in a few days we need to take him in to get some blood drawn. Poor little guy, he is working on his fourth day with a fever, but at least we have been able to keep it down. Hopefully he'll wake up and it will be gone! No trick-or-treating for him this year, although we did have a darling costume for him that he absolutely hated wearing. I suppose it all worked out fine for him. He isn't old enough to realize that he missed something and he didn't have to wear that "dreaded costume!" Although, mommy has to get pictures so you can bet that costume will show up again sometime soon!

On another note, James is recovering nicely from his surgery. He says his heart feels smoother than it has in years. That is a "very" good thing! Thank you for your prayers and concern! We know they were working!


kelly said...

Good to hear James is feeling better :-) Hope BJ starts feeling better soon also! Looking forward to some new pictures, especially of BJ in the costume!

Adoptive Parents of Three said...

Sounds like BJ is having sympathy fever with his dad. Halloween wasn't supposed to happen this year for a reason I'm sure. It may have scared him too much to see all the gory sculptures and masks.

Hope your little one feels better soon!

C Speh said...

Congrats on the Citizenship papers. I was so relieved when ours came in the mail as well.

Hope everyone feels better soon.

Jennifer A. said...

Yay - you got the citizenship papers!! We got ours a couple of weeks ago - made me giggle to see the mug shot again!! :-)

Shelly said...

One more thing to check off your list!