Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wow! Is it really that time of year already! I must say that this has been the fastest year ever! It seems like just yesterday that we received the call about a sweet little 16 month old! Now he is in our arms and is making huge strides! He no longer reminds me of a baby, but rather a very active toddler! We love it! He keeps us busy, but gives us so much joy! He is eating everything now and no longer wants us to feed him. He eats with utensils and can actually get more in his mouth then what lands on the floor or tray! He does somersaults (what a hoot!), walks backwards (or scoots), can throw a ball well (James thinks he found the next left handed pitcher for the Mets), climbs and slides down a slide, does sign language for please and more (thanks Caroline!), and can a hold a crayon to make a few scribbles. We are still working on his speech, but do notice some improvement in that as well. He can say momma as clear as day, Dada, hi, mine, and is trying to say a whole bunch of other words. We can tell he gets frustrated at times when he is trying to get us to understand what he wants!

In other news, my class is still going well, but I miss my little man like crazy! I'm not quite in tears, but I latch on to him about as much as he latches onto me when I get home. He seems to be bonding quite nicely with both James and I. He loves playing with his daddy about as well as he likes cuddling with me! He still loves people, but in the end will always want to come back to mommy and daddy. This of course makes my heart sing!

Well, tomorrow is his first official family holiday so I am interested in how he will respond. I'm sure he'll do great because he loves all that attention. He will probably also think he's in paradise with all that food! I'm sure I'll get some great pictures! In the mean time, please enjoy these! I'm sorry it has taken me so long to post, but time is just available anymore! Before I know it, it will be Christmas! I can hardly wait! We have already taken BJ to the Festival of Trees and he was simply awestruck! I'll put those pictures in my next post! Enjoy your turkey day!

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: BJ's First Halloween!
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Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: BJ's Family and Friends!
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kelly said...

BJ is so adorable!! Happy Thanksgiving to your family also!!

Tom and Kara said...

Love the lion!! Happy thanksgiving!!

Lee and Martha said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I don't think I had noticed how incredibly blue BJ's eyes are. They are so sweet!

Jeff and Debbie said...

So happy everything is going so well for you guys. BJ is as adorable as ever. Blessings upon your family!

Adoptive Parents of Three said...

LOVE all the photos. I always look forward to seeing them. I'm thinking I need to start uploading photos myself. Thanks for continuing to update your blog.

The Baxter Family said...

I love the pictures! BJ is the cutest little lion ever!!!