Monday, June 9, 2008

Kicking It Up A Notch!

It seems we've been stagnant for so long and although not much has changed, we are getting started on some entirely new paper work! We have begun to search and apply for many different grants and feel confident that God will lead us to the right ones. One we are especially excited about is a fundraiser of sorts. This one will match the amount that we raise from our church family, family and friends. We're in the very beginning process, so were not sure of all the specifics, but please stay tuned.

We are still waiting on CIS (Immigration Services) and we fear that this is going to be a longer wait than the actual "child referral" process. This document normally takes 2-3 months to process and ours has already taken 2 months and may have another 7 to go. The Chicago Immigration office is so far behind and unfortunately they're not gaining very fast. Please pray that they catch-up at a faster rate than what they are going and/or that we remain patient and calm during this second (but not last) hold-up.

In the mean time, we are rejoicing with our friends Dave and Teresa Baxter! They have experienced quite an adoption journey through Vietnam and are about to be blessed with a referral. Check out their blog as they get ready for the last step of their journey.
Their Blog:

Once again, thanks for your encouragement and support!

God Bless!

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