Saturday, May 24, 2008

Finally Updating!

Sorry everyone! I confess I haven't done a good job keeping this blog updated. We've been very busy especially with the end of the school year approaching. We promise we'll do better. There really isn't much to add and that's what makes it so hard. However, I have done some reading and have found some good bits of information that I will share with you after this brief update.

We are currently still waiting on our Orphan Petition from the Immigration Office in Chicago. They are currently running about 4 months behind, but could jump up a few months at any time. Until we recieve this document, we are pretty much on hold. Once this document is returned we can move forward and send all of our papers to Poland. In the mean time, we are getting our finances in order and are applying for some grants and financial aid now that our home study is completed.

Applying for grants is a lot more difficult than we thought it would be. The forms are so comprehensive and they all want some type of testimonial or biography and require just enough "different" information that we really can't use the same one. However, we won't complain because these grants are the reason we felt we could take this big step called "adoption." Please continue to pray for us in the areas of faith, trust, and finances. There have been many moments when we have questioned ourselves wondering if we made the right choice. But we know that this is what God wants us to do and are trying to remember everyday to let it go and let God!

In the mean time, we've been reading the devotional book called "Couples Who Long For Children" by Ginger Garrett. One particular entry gave us a new out look on adoption. It said

"God has the right to give us children through any number of ways, and all are equally His and equally gifts from Him. We do not 'own' a child because he or she developed in our womb. Each child is a gift from God."

Thank you again for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. It means so much!


The Baxter Family said...

I love the quote from your devotional - so true! We continue to keep you, and your little one(s) to be, in our prayers.

McMary said...

Good to hear from you again--I hope your needed forms come very quickly. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and wish you the best in filling out all those grant form--I will be praying they come though for you.
What a great quote.