Friday, January 2, 2009

YEAH! Finally Big Progress!

Happy New Year everyone! We can hardly believe it's been a whole year already! One thing is for sure, we never dreamed it would take this long to get everything together. However, we are okay with it and have decided that the timing is working out perfectly!

We have BIG NEWS! (No we don't have our child yet, put we are closer!) All our paper work is complete and our dossier is finally IN POLAND! HOORAY! Our agency turned it in around 3 weeks ago! We are so excited the "paper chase" and frustration of "getting it sent in" is finally over!

Also, we received some helpful information from our agency. Here is what we know so far about the process in Poland.
*We were told we had to be patient. (as if we didn't know that)
*The paperwork (dossier) is being processed in Poland as we speak. The government there needs to review it all, translate it, and official it again in Polish. Lina (agency director) says that this takes about two months)
*Once this is done, it is sent to a panel/group of other government officials (who meet once or twice a month) who look through all the adoption request they have and start placing the children with families. Lina reminded us that they have many request from all over the world to consider and look through. Once again this group only meets twice a month to match families with children. (this is why it takes several months for a referral)
*The children available come from all over the country of Poland. Our agency works directly with the government, therefore is open to three large public Orphanages. The children available are the "paper ready" children. These are children who have all their files complete (ie. known history, medical reports, etc.)
-Because we put down 1 or 2 children, we may be referred only one. This is because sibling groups take longer and when our dossier is reviewed their may not be any available in our age requirement that are "paper ready." Therefore, when our dossier is reviewed, if there is a perfectly beautiful child ready to go, that would be the one we'll be referred. We have decided that we will be happy with whatever God chooses for us!
*Finally, Lina says that the Polish government will be pleased with us. She says that because we are very young, there should be no problems with us getting a child under a year.

*Overall, Lina says we could expect some news in 4-6 months. This isn't bad at all! She also says it could be sooner as sometimes a child will be referred to one family and they will not accept it (reasons unknown) and if the child(ren) fit our criteria, they could be referred to us!

As of now that is all we know! I'll try to keep you posted on happenings, but now that we are WAITING, there won't be to much to report for awhile! We do plan on getting the nursery and play room together in the months to come so please stay tuned (we will post pictures)! We invite your prayers and support! We still need them and from what I hear, the waiting is the hardest part! Thank you and Happy New Year to all of you! We praise God for the loving support of our family and friends!


;lsaey said...

I am so very happy for you! Great news! Love, Laura

Anonymous said...

James & Melanie,

What great news, Congratulations! May God bless you with a joyful 2009!

Remember it's all about His timing and not ours (as I know and have come to appreciate).


Anonymous said...

Hooray!!! Step by step. . .

Love you guys!


Anonymous said...

We are rejoicing with you! Good news is worth sharing and celebrating. We were glad to hear that your dossier only took about 3 weeks to get where it needed to be. We are almost ready to officially send ours off. Hope to see you soon. Love, Jena and Scott

The Baxter Family said...

Woo Hoo! Fantastic news!!!!

The "be patient" advice made me laugh just as much when I read it as when we talked on the phone. I think that you could probably teach a seminar on patience by now!

kelly said...

Congrats on that big step!!

Jennifer A. said...

Excellent news! Waiting, while it is hard, it is also a relief that you have done your part and now it is in someone else's hands. Here's hoping for good news soon!