Sunday, March 9, 2008

The First Waiting Game

Not much has happened in the past several weeks, but we did send in our 38 page agreement a week ago. We are waiting to here back from agency about what our next step will be. I'm hoping it will be to send in our CIS document (Citizens Immigration Services) and begin work on our Dossier (our papers that will go over to Poland). We are itching to get the CIS turned in because it can take 3 months or more to process. In other words our adoption is pretty much on hold until that document gets returned to us!

We have started our home study and are excited that we are at least doing something substantial as far as getting this adoption underway. We really like our social worker and are currently working on some more adoption training which we find to be very beneficial.

We cherish each one of your prayers and praise God everyday for his never ending love and support. God's Blessings!


McMary said...

My prayers are with you as you are waiting. I am sure that God has the perfect child for you in his perfect timing.
Blessings, Mary

Matthew Ruley said...

Good luck with the homestudy and I hope USCIS is quick for you!