Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Process Has Begun!

The process has finally begun! We received our acceptance letter in the mail today along with a 38 page agreement (Yikes!) from our new adoption agency! We are really excited about how fast things are finally going. It took our last adoption agency 1 month to process our application and get everything sent out to us. It took this agency a week! We are pleased with the personal service SMIA (Saint Mary's International Adoptions) has given us and are really looking forward to working with them. They have such a good relationship with Poland and we are looking forward to watching this process unfold.

We have also had our first home study done and are expecting another visit soon. We really like our social worker and feel she is a God send. She is truly wanting to help us and our adoptive child (ren) get ready for this gigantic leap of faith. We really appreciate that about her. Our fears have subsided some and we hope to have the home study completed in a few weeks!

Thanks again for your continued prayers, encouragement, and support. We feel blessed to have family and friends as dedicated as you!

God's Blessings to you all and we will keep you updated as things move along!


The Baxter Family said...

How exciting! It sounds like this match was truly meant to be.

Jaimie, Gena and Berik said...

Wow, what a blessing to finally find an agency that gets on the ball! I can say, " been there , done that" so I know you are elated. Gena Lloyd

Mountain mover said...

Love you, friends!!