Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thus Far

We started the process in September. At the time, I thought we would get started quickly and be well on our way by Christmas. Well, things didn't quite work out that way, but we know God's timing is perfect, so we are trusting in Him.

Thus far, we have been working on all the mounds of paper work for our home study(fingerprinting, autobiographies, DCFS Foster Family certification, adoption parenting classes, etc.) As of now we are waiting for our home study to be completed. We are projecting it to be completed sometime in January. Once this is done we have to get our dossier together. We are currently working on this now and hope for this to be turned in sometime in January as well. The dossier is all the information about us that goes to the country of Kazakhstan. Once Kazakhstan gets this information we are officially "in the running" for a child. When we started this program in September the wait time was 4-6 months. Unfortunately, because of the popularity of the program (and the closures of others), the time has increased to 10-15 months. So, as you can guess we are itching to get this dossier done. However, there are a lot of things that still need to be done. We will keep you updated! Please keep us in your prayers that we stay patient and filled with faith. We hope everyone had a great Christmas and blessings for your new year!


Matthew Ruley said...
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McMary said...

HI James and Melanie,
Congratulations ane welcome to this great journey. I am also adopting from Kaz. I started in Feb and it took me five months to complete the dossier but most people are faster than me. You are correct that is hard to be patient at times but overall I trust that God will lead us all to the perfect child for us on his timeline and it will be great!
Take care, Mary

McMary said...

Hi James and Melanie,
Thanks for the comments on my blog. I started the process in Feb, sent my dossier to St. Louis to Children's Hope International at the very end of July and it was registered at the Ministry of Foriegn Affairs in Kaz on Oct. 19th. The agency can't really quess when I may travel--I am single and adopting a girl--both can make the wait a little longer but I am hoping by next fall which would be a year from my dossier getting to Kaz--it may come sooner which would be great but nobody knows for sure.
Best of Luck to you guys also!

Matthew Ruley said...

Hi I had put a post up above that was very long and I had deleted it. Sorry.. Anyway, I hope everything moves quickly for you. How are you on your dossier? I'm also a waiting Kaz family. I'd send you an invite to our blog - just email me at ruley at

The Baxter Family said...

I love your blog, and I am so excited to keep up with your adoption journey!

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you!!!! It was great seeing you guys! How's school?


Anonymous said...

Melanie & James --

Hi! Welcome to the jorney of adoption! :-) We are glad to welcome long-time friends on our journey of having children in a unique way--adoption. They may not be the so-called biological children, but you know what-- they are hand-chosen by God for us. THAT is special, they are born of our heart! :-)We can't wait to help you welcome home a new little one. I would agree, the paper work is rather lengthy, with all of the DCFS stuff, to the biographies and statement of faith, etc,etc. But you know it will be more than well worth the effort when you look into the face of YOUR child! :-)
Call us anytime!
Love ya guys!
Jeff & Sheila

Anonymous said...

Hey Melanie, I just read about your blog spot in the church bulletin. I wish you all the luck in your adoption. Being a parent is very special, trying many times...but always special. If you ever need anything feel free to call me.
Dawn (A'Hearn) Hutchison